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Live Classes are Coming BACK

Hi All,

From July we are back to live classes in Monread Community Centre in Naas. The centre is a great amenity with secure free parking, bathrooms and cleaner facilities making sure the space we are using is disinfected before our arrival and straight afterwards. The room is clear of clutter and there are hard floors which makes it easy to keep it clean.

I am starting off with Ante-natal 6 Weeks Course beginning from Friday 9th at 9:30am for 6 consecutive Fridays.

Maximum 3 "mums to be" per class, so they get very much a 1 on 1 experience. Modified pregnancy Pilates is a very safe way to reduce risk of pregnancy complications, speed post-delivery recovery, boost mood, lower blood pressure, fight fatigue, improve sleep (they will need it), relieve constipation and also help to relieve pelvic girdle pain & lower back pain.

I would appreciate if you could recommend my classes to any expecting mums you know of which live in Naas area and are looking to be guided throughout pregnancy journey and prepare for the childbirth. With Pilates practice they will acquire more knowledge regarding the changes happening in their bodies throughout those 9 months and have an understanding of how to speed up recovery after the birth.

Extra class can be add on if there is enough interest.


Any recommended BY YOU person, will receive 15% discount with AN15OFF code.

Also, for any client recommend by you who purchased the course, you will get

20% discount from your next Payment Plan. I am unable to apply discount code to the plan, therefore let me know who you recommended and I will make sure your purchase is discounted before buying.

I am looking to start a beginner in person classes possibly in July as well, if you know of anyone interested please send them my way and if they sign up to a course, same rules will apply as per above discount.


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